BioArchLinux: bioinformatics community with Arch Linux

You've reached the website for BioArchLinux, a community for, Arch Linux, the lightweight and flexible Linux® distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.

Currently we have official packages optimized for the x86-64 architecture. We complement our official package sets with a community-operated package repository that grows in size and quality each and every day.

Our strong community is diverse and helpful, and we pride ourselves on the uses for BioArchLinux that stem from it. Please check out our git repository to get your feet wet. Also glance through our wiki if you want to learn more about BioArchLinux.

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Our manuscript has been published


Our BioArchLinux paper has been online published in Bioinformatics, the official journal of the International Society for Computational Biology!

A huge thank you to our community for your continued support, feedback, and involvement. BioArchLinux’s success would not be possible without each and every one of you! We always look forward to your ongoing and more involvement.


Our Packages Search Web Online


With contribution of sinsong, we now have our own pkg search web, you can find it here.

The frontend service is written in Vue providing web.

The backend service is written in Lua providing API.

API of our repo is also provided. is the list of all pkgs in our repo.${pkgname}.json is every single pkg’s info.

Repology add bioarchlinux


Today, repology added our repo into their map, can you find it?

Junest image released


Today, we first release our weekly junest image, everyone can use it for non-root user on Arch Linux and other non-archlinux distro families.

For using the junest, you can check the README page of the junest project.

curl -O
chmod +x && ./

Then enjoy it

sudoj pacman -Syu
sudoj pacman -S foo

Not A Joke: ISO image released


Today, we first release our monthly iso image, everyone can use it just like using archiso, however, the only difference is that you need to replace base with base-bio.

For using the iso, you can check the README page of the iso project.

Again, this iso is not a joke.

BioArchLinux on WSL and Docker lauched


These days, WSL annd Docker have lauched.

For WSL you can get at wsl folder of repository to access the tar file.

For Docker, you can just docker run -it bioarchlinux/bioarchlinux /bin/bash to use it.

Docker image updates daily and wsl image updates weekly.

Serveral Servers lauched


Now we have our own mediawiki site, all the items related with bioinformatics is welcomed and registeration is open.

For maintainers, the build status site is lauched, and you can check if the recent package passed or not, also, you can access the full log in this website to check if there is any specific problems.

New packages for BioArchLinux has been compiled


Now BioArchLinux has the GPG keyring package called bioarchlinux-keyring and we have our mirrorlist package called bioarchlinux-mirrorlist.

Now add repository just need to add our repository information to /etc/pacman.conf and then pacman -Sy && pacman -S bioarchlinux-keyring then you can use our repository.

You can edit /etc/pacman.d/ to use the mirror you want to use.

BioArchLinux change the name of database


Now the db name of BioArchLinux has changed o bioarchlinux, please replace [BioArchLinux] with [bioarchlinux] in /etc/pacman.conf

We have mirror now


Thanks go to xTom and Nanjing University, now there are four mirror sites around the world. includes the status our repository

2022-04-10 is a web to show packages from different distributions and repository, now include our repository.

Happy New Year


Happy New Year

Hello, everyone, thanks for using BioArchLinux, best wishes for you and BioArchLinux repository and comunity


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